Intermediate 17 December 2019

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Dear Student,

Your feedback is very important to us and we are monitoring our answers by asking you some questions. Kingsway surveys are helping us to improve our services. Kindly, answer the following questions honestly and accurately. Use instruction below. If you do not understand any of the below questions or if you have any doubts please ask your class teacher. 

Use only one answer for each question. Please express your rating in each of the following categories by using this scale.: 

            (1)        Strongly disagree  

            (2)        Disagree                                 

            (3)        Not sure 

            (4)        Agree

            (5)        Strongly agree

Note: this survey is anonymous. We will not reveal your identity. 


1 Start 2 Curriculum Page 3 Management Page 4 Motivation Page 5 Complete



This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.


  • Level 3, 84 - 86 Mary Street Surry Hills 2010 NSW Australia
  • Phone: 0061-02-9283-2388
  • Email:


Kingsway Institute is an exciting and innovative English learning centre located in the heart of the Sydney CBD in Australia. 
Global Education & Tourism Group Pty Ltd
Trading as Kingsway Institute
ABN 400 98 611 360
CRICOS Provider Code 03177F

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